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Ryelands & Stabilisers


A new arrival at the farm, Lodgeway Ryelands & Nobut Manor Coloured Ryelands, Michael & his friend and business partner Steve have selected Ryelands of outstanding quality and pedigree to form their own flock. Ryeland sheep are a traditional British sheep breed. They  are well known for producing excellent quality lamb and great tasting meat. Hand spinners and weavers also like to use Ryeland wool for it texture and quality.


A friendly breed and lovely to walk amongst, unless you make a noise resembling a corn bucket, in which case their enthusiasm can be a little overwhelming!! Some favourites make sure they come for a fuss as soon as you enter the field and make their displeasure fully known if you haven’t been to see them for a few days!

February and March saw us welcome many single and twin lambs to the flock all doing well and enjoying the great British Springtime out in our fields with their mums. Some of our yearling ewes are now in the process of being halter trained in the anticipation that some county shows may be able to go ahead this year.


Our grass fed Stabilisers came to the farm as heifers in the Spring of 2020. A composit breed, cross bred from Simmental, Red Angus, Hereford and Gelbvieh. this produced what is being hailed as the perfect suckler cow. Our small herd of Stabilisers are interesting and lively characters and enjoy nothing more being turned into a new field!

Over the winter, we have welcomed seven stabiliser calfs, Winter Soltice, Holly and Joy being three of our lovely new heifers. We look forward to sharing photographs of these new characters over the next few months - unfortunately they are a bit camera shy!

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